Sharable Scouting Report Links


FastScout now empowers coaches to seamlessly share scouting reports with players using shareable links. This feature allows coaches to compile comprehensive reports with text, stat tables, and videos, delivering a holistic scouting experience to players.

How It Works:

  1. Generating the Link:

    • While creating or editing a scouting report, coaches can click the "Share" button.
    • A unique link is instantly generated, ready to be shared with players.

  2. What Players See:

    • Players receive a link that opens a dedicated page with two tabs: "Scouting Report" and "Videos."
    • The "Scouting Report" tab displays the report in PDF format, showcasing text, stat tables, and other information.
    • The "Videos" tab features a playlist of videos attached by the coach.

Player Accessibility:

  • Players can access the shared link from any device – computer, phone, or tablet.
  • No login is required, providing a hassle-free experience for players.

Link Expiration:

  • Each generated link is valid for 72 hours to ensure security and timely access.


Q1: How long is the link valid?

  • A: Each link remains active for 72 hours for security reasons.

Q2: Can players access the scouting report without logging in?

  • A: Yes, players can view the scouting report without the need for any login credentials.

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