Adding Players
Once a new play is created, we first need to add players to the court. We have 3 options to do so; Drag and Drop, FastAdd Draw, and FastAdd Select.
Drag and Drop
From the Positions palette, left click and hold on an icon you want to add to the court. Drag them to the location on the court and release the left button.
FastAdd Draw
You can select the starting point of each player by clicking the FastAdd Draw button. Select the FastAdd icon (5x+) and then move your mouse over the frame. You'll notice a shaded "1" following the cursor - left click to place the "1" icon where your cursor is or right click to place them with the ball. There will now be a shaded "2" following the cursor. After you have added all 5 players, you will be able to create your play. If using a touchscreen device, simply press the screen to place a player or hold a spot on the frame to place a player with the ball.
FastAdd Select
You can quickly add 5 players to the court and give the ball to a player of your choice using the FastAdd button and selecting who you'd like to start with the ball. Players labeled "1" through "5" will be placed in a line for you to start your play.
Editing Player Icons
You can double click on any player to edit the way they are identified. By default, they'll be "1" through "5", so you can change these to "PG" through "C", or any other combination of numbers or text. Below are examples of using player jersey numbes (with and without #), a name, text position, and number position.
Relocating and Rotating Player Icons
Click and drag on a player to move them to a new area on the court. You can place a player anywhere in the usable space, including out of bounds areas if you have selected the option in the Drawing Area options. You can also change the angle/direction the icon is facing by clicking and holding the yellow circle at the top of the icon and moving it to the desired direction.
Adding Movements to your Play

After placing a straight line stencil, it will appear on the diagram with a green dot at either endpoint. The green dots can be used to move each endpoint into place.

When adding more detailed movements, such as an angle with a curve, you will see multiple green squares (endpoints) and/or yellow circles (midpoints). These can be adjusted the same way - clicking and dragging - to show the points of movement.