FastRecruit offers a suite of flexible and powerful tools designed to help college basketball coaches stay ahead in the recruiting game. With custom fields, tailored list views, and easy in-line updates, you can track and manage your recruits with efficiency and precision. This guide will walk you through the steps to customize your recruit lists to better fit your workflow.
How to Create Custom Fields
The first step is to identify what fields matter to you. What information is important to track about your recruits throughout your recruiting process? See some examples below to use as a starting point, and create fields for anything that is important for your staff to keep track of.
- Navigate to the Settings>Manage Fields section of your FastRecruit dashboard
- To create a new field, select 'Add Field'. To edit an existing field, select the pencil icon
- Fields you might create can include: Commitment Status, Evaluation Grade, Text-Update, Graduation Date, Position, Assigned Recruiter
- Fields you might create can include: Commitment Status, Evaluation Grade, Text-Update, Graduation Date, Position, Assigned Recruiter
- When creating a new field, you can choose between different types including Date, Text, Number, Single-Select & Multi-Select
- For Single and Multi-Select fields, add the available value-options to choose from.
- For example, the "Commitment Status" field might add relevant options like "Offered", "Committed", or "Signed"
- For example, the "Commitment Status" field might add relevant options like "Offered", "Committed", or "Signed"
With these custom fields, you can capture essential information like commitment status, text updates, graduation dates, and more, tailored to your specific staff and workflows.
How to Organize your List Views
The next step is to customize your list views. Choose which fields display for each list-view, and put them in the order that matters to you. This makes tracking your recruits throughout the season as simple as clear as possible.
- Select the Recruit List you want to customize. This could be your 2025 Recruits, potential transfers, or any combination of recruits that is important for you to track. Click the gear icon to customize the list-view
- Choose which columns to display in the list-view and arrange them in the order you want and click SAVE COLUMNS to finish setting up your list view
Update Recruits from your List Views
Finally, you can update key information about your recruits from the list view
- Click into a field right from the list view to update a recruit's evaluation grade, commitment status, or any other fields you've created